/ NFC Identity

 New Frontier Church is a Presbyterian Church centered on the Korean Diaspora, which helps to raise the next generation based on Reformative Evangelical theology and to make them live as disciples of Jesus Christ.

/ NFC Vision

The vision of New Frontier Church is to nurture and mission to the next generation to live as the salt and light of the world in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to build the next generations of worship-communities and churches where they are needed.

/ NFC Slogan

Church for the Next Generation


/ 3 NFC Objectives

  1. Education
    A Church dedicated to educate the Next Generation

  2. Multi-sites & Church Planting
    A church dedicated to building worship communities and churches for the next generation

  3. Missional Life
    Missional Life: A church that challenges saints to live a life as missionaries in New York and around the world



2023 NFC Theme: ComeUnity

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work
— (Ephesians 4:16)